Bridging Beliefs

The Great Beyond: Afterlife in the Bahá'í Faith

Rob Cacchioni Season 1 Episode 11

A brief introductory study of the "worlds beyond", "next world", or "life after death" in the Bahá'í Writings. This is the full presentation, all 7 parts.


  1.  0:44 Intro
  2.  1:13 The Great Beyond - An Apt Expression
  3.  3:29 The Womb and the World - The Limits of Knowing
  4.  12:25 No Physical Form - Made Up of Heavenly Elements
  5.  16:50 World of Exemplars - the Heavenly Body of Man
  6.  24:13 Reunited with Loved Ones - Greater Development for Them
  7.  28:55 Time in Next World - Though Different
  8.  32:08 Souls Foster Arts and Sciences
  9.  34:04 The Judgement
  10.  40:09 Don't Act From Fear of Punishment nor Hope of Reward
  11.  44:29 There is a "Hell"
  12.  48:41 What is "Heaven" and "Hell"?
  13.  1:21:38 Where are Heaven and Hell?
  14.  1:26:45 Unaware You're in Hell
  15.  1:44:00 Can Fall and Not Know It
  16.  1:44:59 Do Non-Baha'is "Go to Heaven"
  17.  1:49:38 Can We Make Up for Lost Opportunities?
  18.  1:54:39 Will We Know We Were Wrong?
  19.  2:09:24 Endless Worlds of God
  20.  2:15:40 Where are the Worlds of God? Supernatural?
  21.  2:24:24 Different Degrees in the Next World
  22.  2:53:16 No Retrogression
  23.  3:00:30 The Paradox of Grace and Will
  24.  3:13:01 What does "Knowing God" mean?
  25.  3:16:48 This World is a Mirror of the Next - Nature & History
  26.  3:24:54 Revelations in all the Worlds
  27.  3:33:28 The Manifestation in All Worlds
  28.  3:42:48 Mention Him in Every World
  29.  3:47:33 Detached From Worlds Beyond
  30.  4:00:09 Finding Him - Smelling His Fragrance
  31.  4:22:04 Nothing Bad in the Next World?
  32.  4:26:15 The Two Heavens - Or Earth, Heaven, and that which Lieth in Between
  33.  4:29:08 Meeting the Prophets of God
  34.  4:33:43 The Great Journey Back to the Divine
  35.  4:46:12 Conclusion
  36.  5:05:26 Other Issues we will Address in the Future

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Official Bahá'í website

Ambient music: “Celtic Music | Ancient Forest | Celtic Lute & Guitar Music” by Soul Candle

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