Bridging Beliefs
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Delve into Bahá'í and philosophical subjects, principles, and objections. This individual initiative is not authoritative, but merely represents my understanding of the Bahá'í Faith. I encourage you to read the Baha'i Writings independently and visit www.bahai.org. My intention is to dispel misunderstandings, explore deeper truths, and bridge the seeming divides among the world's great Holy Texts.
"The objection most commonly raised... is the assertion that the differences among the revealed faiths are so fundamental that to present them as stages or aspects of one unified system of truth does violence to the facts. Given the confusion surrounding the nature of religion, the reaction is understandable. Chiefly, however, such an objection offers Bahá'ís an invitation to set the principles reviewed here more explicitly in the evolutionary context provided in Bahá'u'lláh's writings." --One Common Faith, p 24
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Bridging Beliefs
5 Realms of Existence - Baha'i Cosmology - Part 3
Part 3 of a multi-series presentation on this subject. Time stamps below 👇
Spiritual Cosmology examines the structure of reality, it's different stations and realms of Being: God, Angels, Manifestations, Prophets, etc.
We explore its importance, how it furthers world unity, and lays out a basic Baha'i model.
1. 3:07 Multiple Instantiation and Láhút
2. 37:18 Summary
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speaker 0: 0:00
Hello, friends. This is our third session in cosmology. The last session we looked at again quickly, the concepts of hollowed blah. Who'd Jabba route Malik Automat suit. Really? When we're studying behi cosmology, we're not discussing that ultimate higher layer because it is ineffable, utterly ineffable and cannot be spoken of. We saw then that the manifestation of God is a singular entity in ultimate divine unity that, as we saw, was manifested within Abraham within the Buddha with increasingly within Christ the Bob about all etcetera. So, really, what we're looking at is the concourse on high sort of the inmates of the highest paradise the Rome of Jabba, route the room of power and then load that realm of the ultimate manifestation of God that is manifested in series of different messengers in all the worlds of God. We're going to start here with a passage from the bob again, and we're gonna hash this out further and in subsequent lessons, we're gonna get more and more and more particular in these rooms. But I want to have, if you will, once again, it's a sort of met attacks an overarching view. So it starts. And this is actually from the selections of the writings of ab double high excerpts of various writings. Verily I am gone. No, God is there but me not else except me is but my creation. They worship me then. Oh, you my creatures I have called thee into being has nurtured the lovely raised the up and immigration Leslie chosen the to be the manifestation of mine own self. The vow made us recite. My Versace was ordained by noon. I mean someone whomsoever I have created under my religion, which is none other than this glorious and exalted path. So at first it sounds like it's speaking to us. But this is actually speaking to the bob the manifestation, the manifestation of his own self because it says the valve mates recite My Versace is ordained by me and someone whomsoever have created under my religion. Then it says in paragraph four, I have fashioned all created things for thy sake and I have by virtue of my will set the sovereign ruler over ruler over all mankind. Moreover, I have decreed that who so ever embrace of my religion shall believe in my unity and I have linked to this belief with my remembrance. The story with remembrance of the and after the the remembrance of such as thou hast by my leave cause speed, letters of the living and of whatever have been revealed for my religion in the buy on this is indeed what will enable the sincere among my servants to gain admittance into the celestial paradise. Verily, the sun is but a token for my presence so that the true believers among my servants may discern its rising in its rising the dawning of every dispensation. So in this passage in paragraph four, we've already seen that God has made the manifestation of this case. Is speaking of the Bob to be the matter of station of his own self and that own created things have been created for the manifestations of God's sake is the sovereign ruler and that in religion, the belief in his unity God's unity is linked with the belief of the remembrance of the with, if you will, the sovereignty of that one being it stands if you will, has a emblem, a token and a sign off that ultimate oneness and singularity of the manifestation of God in the paragraph five. The sun is but a token, so the true believers may discern, and it's rising, the dawning of effort to sensation. So that, in a sense, the physical reality of the sun and it's ever dawning. On different days, Throat time can be seen as a metaphor, a symbol of the if you will divine center that can be manifested through different dawning points so that you can see that the divine's on itself rises upon the human world upon the human body politick and human civilization and multiple different times. And yet, in the same time, it is but one son. As we saw in the previous examination, there is only ever one son that has revealed books that has actually manifested in the person of the Buddha of Jesus et cetera. Then in paragraph sacks six, it says. In truth, I have created the threw myself. Then in my own B s. I have fashioned all things through the creative power of the work. We're all powerful. I have appointed the to be the beginning and the end of the scene and the hidden. Verily, we are the all knowing. So let's look at this passage for a second. We're gonna leave off for a moment. That idea of creation sees who's I know himself, but I want Oh, pinpoint this. I have fashioned all things through the creative power of the word and appointed to the manifestation of God to be beginning and the end, the scene and hit. We're actually told them the New Testament that all things were created through Jesus the logos, the word, the sun and that in the New Testament he says that he's the beginning in the end, and here we're actually told that actually, it's the manifestation of God themselves. That is the scene and the hidden. Remember in the previous examination, the previous deepening, we looked at this emblem of the sun, which is given to us as a sign of the manifestation of God is itself something We only see the surface up with only its appearances, only its traces, its qualities, but that the essence of that sun itself is hidden from us. So the manifestation of God and I mean a cosmic manifestation. I'm not currently speaking of the historical entity that embodies that light is itself the beginning. In the end, the scene on the unseen. Now we've seen previously the example I gave us, even like coffee cup. Or, if you will, a fork or a spoon. Any object that we encounter we encounter on Lee how it is presented to us, an experience we don't see its underlying hidden essence. We only see it signs. It's tokens, its manifestations, its qualities, its attributes. So this isn't actually a bizarre concept. And what we're being told within the BEHI writings here in the passage from the Bob is that this entity that we only see and if you will, on the surface of the sun it's raised its flames, et cetera, is actually the creator of all things. And then all things were created for it and buy it. And these air passages that enemy promised myself. Furs here would do this. But these air passages we find within the New Testament speaking about the son of God, the word of God now moving on its sorry paragraph seven. No one have been or will be invested with Prophet Hood other than the nor have any sacred book been or will be revealed on to anyone except the such as the decree ordained by him was three all income compass ing the best beloved. So once more we saw this in the previous steepening. We're in the writings of the Bob and in the writings of aka Paul we see that there is this one son and then no one has ever been the reveal er of a truly divine religion. There is again this singularity, this oneness underlying these multiple manifestations that we have this one thing that is embodied and Stan she aided in physical temples throughout human history. Just like the different days of the calendar. The different days of all of these eons there is but one son coming back again and again. We're going to move on to the paragraph eight for a moment. Here of Ion is in truth are conclusive proof for all created things and all the people of the world are powerless before the revelation of its vs and in trying to the sum total of all the scriptures, better of the pastor of the future, even as thou are the repositories of all our proofs. In this day we cause homes, whoever we desire to be admitted into the gardens of our most holy oh, sublime paradise. This bus is divine revelation inaugurated in each dispensation our behest. We are truly the supreme ruler indeed. No religion shall we ever inaugurate unless it be renewed in the days to come. This is a promise we solemnly have made, verily were supreme over all things. So the manifestation of God in their day is the evidence and proof of the divine reality and that no religion really ever inaugurate unless it be renewed because the risings and settings of these sons are perpetual for all time, as we have seen previously. So this is the concept of the creation that there is this the word of God primal will, the divine low tree. The phrase used often is the Southern Tillman Taha Theo Tree, beyond which there is no passing And that this entity that all things this is actually a reference of the New Testament are put in subjection under its feet under his feet and that all created things were created through the word through the primal will right, and that they are the first to the last the scene and the hitting, and that this being the manifestation of God not historical representation of it is actually it's health eternal. The revelation of the divine reality have everlasting Bingley bean identical with concealment and its concealment identical with its revelation that which is intended by the revelation of God, is the tree of divine truth to be token if none but him. And it is this divine tree that have been raised that half raised and will raise up messengers and half revealed and will reveal everything will ever reveal scriptures from eternity unto eternity. This tree of divine truth has served and will ever serve as the throne of the revelation and concealment of God amongst his creatures. And then every age has made manifest through whomsoever he pleases. So it is stating that what we're looking at is we have this divine tree, the tray beyond which there is no passing and that this tree raises up and reveals all scriptures and raises up all messengers, right? And that this reality, this divine manifestation of God, reveals through whomsoever he pleases because they are, if you will, the embodiment of the instant she ation right in coding of that primal will he carries on at the time of the revolution of the Crimea. Sort of his transcendence of the advent of Mohammed. On the occasion of the revelation of the bio, he demonstrated his sovereign might through the appearance of the point of the bio. And when the Hume gone, she'll make manifest will shine forth. It will be through him that he will vindicate the truth of his faith Has he pleases with whatsoever he pleases and for whatsoever he pleases. He is with all things yet nothing is with him. He is not with anything nor above honor. Beside it, any reference to is being established upon the throne imply if of the exponents of his revelation is established upon the seat of transcendent authority. In this next section, we're told that this being this tree of divine truth the manifestation of God asserted his transcendent power for the advent of Mohammed and the buy on the point of the buy on the bottom. Self and Hume, God shall make manifest and that any reference to God to being established upon the throne, implying that the exponents, the expression, the manifestation of his revelation is established upon the seat of his transcendent authority. We then get further information about this entity he have ever lastingly existed and will ever lastingly continue to exist. He have been and will ever remain inscrutable. And all men and as much as all else besides him, have been and shall ever be created through the potency of this command in this section here were told once again, this being that we see representative is speaking through these historical beings like Christ Recreation or the Baba Hola, Prophet Muhammad or Buddha have everlastingly existed and will continue to exist. And at this being itself is unscrew doble under all men and will forever be. He continues that he has exalted above every Mentioner praise and it's sanctified beyond every word of commendation or comparison right? No creating comprehend of him while he and truth comprehended all things. And then the bob clarifies again. Even when it is said no created thing comprehended him. This refers to the mirror of his revelation that is him whom God shall make manifest indeed too high and exalted. Is he for anyone to elude under him? We see that there is this divine manifestation because cause make manifestation the solar son of reality. The tree beyond which there is no passing the primal will, the logos, Sana, et cetera, that will eternally exist, saying to provide itself beyond every word of commendation in comparison. How much more than the essence of essences I know creating comprehended him. But even this is not even referring to the actual son of revelation, this head of reality than they have seats himself, but to the mirror of his revelation. Okay, so there's a series of concepts I want to try and if you will gather in here and I want to harken back momentarily to this series of ideas that I presented previously, which is trying to few will to do a platonic ascend through what it means to be all knowing what it means to be all powerful, what it means to actually be all loving, whole compassionate and ultimately just that these air concepts that we cannot actually encapsulate because whatever idea we have of the most you could possibly know will be something of a reference of what we could possibly know. And then I don't know after that, if you will, that we're just trying to stretch our mind now. This is the practice of coming, If you will look at the you know if the deepening Ah, not one versus Augmon and Brafman. This is the process of coming to know our own self. So that is the contemplation of these things that enables to understand her own self. But also in the last section, I actually said, Well, imagine if you will a dog trying to describe the brilliance of a human, right? Or for that matters, say someone like myself trying to really explain, Say how unbelievably insightful Albert Einstein Waas, I said or kneels before her. Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton. I cannot actually properly express this because I am not there, Pierre. I would really be just stretching my ideas, my own ideas which are contained within me, to try to reach out and sort of get, if you will, the reality of what a genius truly is. But even any representation of expressive, this would be some particle of me. Some, if you will outer strain the threshold of my own conception. So what I hear the Bob seeing is is that see when you actually are trying to describe the old Millie that even in itself, is never going to reach lock That's never gonna reach the primal will. Law, who'd itself is, as we saw in the writings of the bomb just noticed. Now both the scene and then is actually demanded as Danny on Manifest the Beginning. And the yen is everlasting. We couldn't possibly express that. And that being who will always reveal dispensations and bastos the rope of profited and if you will shows its lights and emanations in the person of the manifestation of God, that being itself is indescribable in these terms. Obviously, if Einstein is that being is, I want to take a moment here because the idea of a manifestation of God being represented in multiple different human temples may on the service seen bizarre or strange, I promise you that it is not. This is actually something that you have experienced since the moment that you're conscious. I want to give very commonplace examples that we can see how understandable these ideas really are. Now if I was to pick up, if you will a symbol parable from when I was a kid, right to the story of the tortoise and the hare. I didn't or I were to choose Tolkien's Lord of the Rings or the book The Hobbit, which I loved as a child and recently read to my own Children. Use the Hobbit, for example. Tolkien wrote. How many books called one, But there are hundreds of millions of copies of that one object. I have a copy. I know many of my friends have copies, so you actually have this one, which is often termed an abstract object. That is the story in and of itself, then gets copied and represented, encoded or manifested in endless, endless copies. So in a sense, it if I were to ask you, where is the Hobbit? Okay, where is the story? The whole bit very peculiar. But the actual answer is, well, wherever it is. Why? Because it's on my shelf. But I also have an audio for minute having on your book of the Hobbit, but you probably have it on your shelf. Haven't onto that. Maybe you have Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We have War in Peace or Les Miserables. Thes realities, which is Aiden, in some sense, in an idea for a story, can be represented in endless physical manifestations or incarnations. or a body in its right and one can be destroyed, and the actual story is still in existence. But I can even take that story. For example, Fellowship of the Ring, he was told, can again, and I think that story. I can translate that story into Mandarin, and it's still Tolkien's story and maybe slightly different. But there are more or less faithful renderings of that, but it's not someone else's story. Now we actually see this in music. I'm a lover of Simon and Garfunkel, and I have a recording. I actually have The Sound of Silence by Simon Garfunkel, but I'm pretty sure tens of millions of people have that same song. And yet they only wrote one song called Sound of Silence. This concept of multiplicity of the one is not a radically bizarre notion. This is the same. What is money? For example, money isn't a physical in coding of currency, right of a unit of exchange, but money can be digital, you know, by Harry can actually be paper. It can be coins and the physical representation, the physical embodiment, say of the coin of the paper of a $10 bill or off. You know this physical and coating of you know, the Fellowship of the Ring by Tolkien or Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, et cetera, et cetera, Evan Grave and Vinyl and a new recording of some song by Simon and Garfunkel. We're not actually looking at the physical medium in which it's represented. We're trying to see Is this reality? This seemingly intangible reality faithfully represented in this different countenance is different embodiment, and we have to look past the surface representation of it to see that to see its unity, these passages from amicable in our solar system, a center of illumination is the sun itself. Through the will of God. The central luminary is the one source of the existence in the development of all phenomenal beings started phenomenal things. Let me observe the organisms of the material world. We find that their growth in training are dependent upon the heat and light of the sun. Without this quickening involved, there would be no growth of tree of vegetation, either with the existence of animal or human being be possible. In fact, no forms of create life would be manifest upon the earth. But if we were Fight deeply will perceive that the grape, a store and giver of life, is God. The sun is the intermediary of his will and plan without the bounty of the sun, Therefore, the world would be in darkness. All illumination of our planetary system proceeds or emanates from the solar center where I see just talking about the fundamental physical room the realm of Knossos, in this case, the realm of men that here in our solar system, there is the sun and all life and existence within our solar system is dependent upon this solar center and then have the boss says. But if we reflect this physical Sinem are talking with the physical son here is the intermediary of his will and plan The sun is not God is an intermediate continues Likewise in the spiritual realm of intelligence and idealism, there must be a center of elimination and that center is the everlasting ever shining sun, The word of God. So here in this section saying Okay, So we were looking at the physical world and we're looking the physical son as the analogy and likewise in the spiritual realm, intelligence and idealism. There must be a center of illumination. What is that? The ever lasting, ever shining sun? The word of God, the son of reality, as I've said previously in the behind writings, is not referring to God. It's referring to the word of God, the word primal. Will the first mind the great remembrance, The most great sign this being, if you will, that we see manifested in these multiple locations. It's lights are the lights of reality which have shown upon humanity illuminating the realm of fought on worlds, conferring the bounties of the divine world upon man. Later, in the same paragraph, it says, this son of reality, the center of a Fulgence is is the prophet or manifestation of God. So just as the phenomenal sun shines upon the material world producing life growth. Likewise, this spiritual or prophetic son confers illumination upon the human world of thought and intelligence. And unless it rose up on the horizon and human existence, the kingdom of Man would become dark and extinguished were seen using this same analogy that saying Well, wait with this son, he's actually the prophet or the manifestation of court. The son of reality, it continues, is one son. But it has different dawning places, just as the phenomenal son is one, although it appears at various points on the horizon. Okay, I think what we're seeing here is part of this embodiment of substantiation, of this ultimate of you will conceptual reality the word of God and we're having this a flowing back and forth. What seeing is remember in the passage from the Bobby says? Well, in actual fact, any of these terms apply and literally do him consciously manifest, which is the embodiment historical embodiment of the manifestation of God Here is saying is Well, actually, there is this son of the sun, the word of God, which is the prophet of the manifestation of God. But it has these different dawning places. And if they themselves do not rise, there would be no light right that we have shared after able to see that there is this one entity that is actually being represented in multiple different times throat that we have, if you will. The mother book which is being embodied in multiple different pages. Great that there is this copy and this Copy that this one maybe on paper, this one on papyrus, this one carved in stone. This one written on vellum. This one actually represented in MP three. But in actual fact, what you're seeing is this one thing multiple he realized in multiple locations throughout time and again, in many ways, not that bizarre concept. So this is why and we're gonna see this passenger it says later on. In the quote, it says souls who focused their vision upon the son of reality will be the recipients of light, no matter from what pointed rises. But those who are fettered by adoration of the dawning point are deprived when it appears in a different station upon the spiritual horizons. So this concept of the intermediary, the manifestation of God, that the symbol of the sun right is actually relating to this manifestation of God that the prophet right now, of course, there are different distinctions we will see later, but that this entity comes in different dawning places so that when we focus on the sun itself, as opposed to the dawning places or a very common analogy on the buy ratings, that there are multiple mirrors with the sun being reflected right that this is why when we actually turn away from the representation of the sun in this one case that what we actually have is a denial of all up, and we're going to return to this as well. So if I see, for example, the beauty of a story and its characters and his concepts in one physical representation of saying story of the Fellowship of the Ring or the Hobbit rate and then I turn and they see that same story. But it's in a different expression, right? I see that same story, but it's actually encoded in a different embodiment that I'm actually turning towards how what's represented, as opposed to the story itself. In this passage out, double Heart talks about how we cannot truly understand divinity, a fact which I believe is philosophically undeniable, given the limited conception of humankind. Again, As I've said, you know, God is all knowing, and I'm not sure how many socks that I have. Great God is all knowing, but I'm not really entirely sure how many books I have on my shelf or how many coffee cups I own or spoons. For that I would have to go actually literally check, and that God is all loving and my conception of a loving nous can't even incorporate, As I said, the love of all mothers on planet Earth right now for their Children. I can't fully even understand what it'd be like to take the love of my own Children and then pair of that with love my wife has for my Children or the way of the love that my friend Matt has for his kids or my friend Cheyrou's. As for his Children, for my friend Mark, as for his Children, or you for your dog or your cat begin to compound these, I can't really understand what that is. So then, to consider myself as being ableto understand and properly describe what it means to be the source of love is generally just absurd to me, to be honest, but well, so has the essence of divinity. But Abdul, Paula says, transcended the comprehension of man. Therefore, God brings forth certain manifestations of the divine reality upon whom Anastos Heavenly, a Fulgence, is in order that they may be intermediaries between himself and humanity. We have divinity itself, being represented through his primal gold, a manifestation of cod raising up on reflecting the divine self manifestation of my own self. And the bomb says that's what he waas of God being represented. The's a Fulgence is as an intermediary between humanity and God, and this is actually the functional role that if I wish myself to communicating something symbols as I wish to communicate my thoughts to someone else, I actually have to represent them through the medium. This is a medium right here, the medium of sound they have to be if you will express inward expressed in some, if you will, action of my body, some body language some way for there. You mean intermediary between what I really am as wrong and your heart and minds that there can be this transfer. DHS is transference Sorry and that the manifestations of God quote are as mirrors which have acquired illumination from the son of truth. I remember what that son truth. It's so these manifestations of profits of God have acquired their illumination right from the son of truth, that son of truth being the manifestation of God itself. But then it's very clear. The son of truth. The sun does not descend from its high Z nothing does not affect entrance within the mirror. This is the light of God which is the darkness knew not right. This light that is actually expressed in a human temple. The mirrors are awfully. I'm jumping ahead. A couple passages mirrors air personally Where's the reality of divinity? Is in its highest apogee, right? It does not physically descend. This is fun. Paragraph four of the section the son of divinity and of reality has revealed itself in various mirrors. Though these mirrors are many, that the sun is one there are quote jumping ahead. There are certain souls who are lovers of the sun. They perceive the if Fulgence of the sun from every mirror those who adore the mirror I'm jumping from those who adore the mirror her attached to it become deprived of witnessing the light of the sun When it shines from another mirror. I look again here at this passage, for instance, the son of reality load the primal will first mine. The logos revealed itself from the mosaic Mir the people who were sincere and believed in it. When the same sun shone from the Messianic mirror Jesus Christ, the Jews who were north Lovers of the Sun and they were fettered by their adoration of the mirror of Moses did not perceive the lights. And Fulgence is the son of reality, resplendent in Jesus. Sorry. Therefore they were deprived of its best stools and the scent of reality. The word of gone, Sean from the Messianic mirror Jesus Christ through the wonderful channel of Jesus Christ. More fully and more wonderfully It's a Fulgence were manifestly radiant. But even to this day, the Jews are holding to the mosaic here. Now this is interesting. We're being told in this passage by Abdullah Hall that this same son, Sean, from one mirror mosaic with her and then from the Messianic there And in this shining forth from the mosaic in the Messianic, the light manifested in that mirror by the will of God was not as bright in the mosaic as in that of Jesus Christ and explicitly stays here. That was more fully and more wonderfully that we're seeing and I'm gonna jump ahead and then come back to this. We see here that the son of reality, the word of God which existed from all time and we see this in every revelation that I know pre existed self evidently the historical embodiment of a moon of Jesus. Probable Hamad of howl of a ball. And of those who will come after that obviously, in the case of Jesus Christ the son the son of God s O and in this case, pre existed the physical Jesus of Nazareth. And I want to make a note here. We will treat this another subject. Sorry in another video, but here we actually have a discussion being brought up by an Duba Hall about the different stations of the manifestations of God. So we're told that actually the that Jesus was accounted of more glory then Moses, I want to note here that this is actually something that is being in my understanding of it explicitly acknowledged in this passage by AB mobile home that the son of reality responded in Jesus, right, Shawn, for the Messianic mirror through the wonderful channel of Jesus Christ. More fully and more wonderfully that there was a greater It's a Fulgence is were plainly manifest, right, And they were more radiant than that of the mosaic mirror. That doesn't mean that there's a new son that doesn't mean that there's even a difference on is that they're the reflection or the A. Fulgence is given to one mirror, expressed within one mirror by the will of that being, we're more radiant in a subsequent revelations. It's not. We need to debate. Of course, there's more particulars that will return to it a later date. I want to just take a moment just to summarize where we're at and try and get a sort of handle on what, uh, we've been looking at. So we started with this concept of the five rooms by using an obligatory prayer. We see that there is all created things, not suit concourse and hi, Malek oot inmates of I'il has paradise, a layer up jab route, right. And on the tongue of grandeur itself from the old Gloria's horizon. Right that our god, Kate, that is load we're going to for announce 1/2 LaHood raid. And this is how that we find that this highest reality really nothing we going to say about it. It is ultimate assets. We Onley encounter divinity through its intermediary which is this son this constant loud? This if you will, the divine son the son of reality, but that even this object we've seen in the writings of the Bob in this section is itself the seen and the unseen, the manifest in the hit that it stands for all those names and that you made me think of the time. We only see it's a Fulgence is. We see its attributes. You see its qualities. We see its traces and images. But there's a reality. Even hint that we don't know rain, that there is something beyond that we don't have access to but that this sun itself reflects it's light and radiance. In a series of embodiment, sir and Stan. She ations throat historical world in our life but actually has done this for all time. And we'll do this for all time. And we add in Malibu from there the deepening throat, all the worlds of God all right, that there is only one represented in the many. We saw that it's actually for who for this being that creation is made. But at the same time that it is through this being this manifestation of God Lockwood that is through this being that creation actually has come into being right that really? In the end, we have the sun is raise its mirrors. But there is one center, one son of reality. And early on, in this deepening, what I said was we're really gonna take now also twitches, you know, the round man and the realm of created things that we're looking at in here. We're gonna put that aside. There's another deepening serious from Allah Coats. We're gonna put that aside and really gonna hone in on this concept because how is off the map? Right there always acknowledged is the ultimate. But we have these two domains now you'll jab route and loaned the image of the allies paradise and the tongue of grandeur itself from this all glorious horizon. Our God, there is no God but the and that he often manifest is the hidden mystery. And we're gonna keep looking at this for whom the trend of the letters be any have joined in it together. So I'm gonna finish one just by saying that this is really, really, really where the heart of by cosmology and actually theology in general occurs and really gets confusing among the different dispensations. And I want to just finish with one quote. And this is from the very opening page of Gleanings, the very first quote in gleans. And I want to show how this actually begins to map out these reality. So if you will creating the man trying to look at a passage which might be somewhat today at it and then begin to unpack it okay, and begins lauded and glorified art thou O Lord, my God, how can I make mention of the A shirt as I am that no tongue, however deepest wisdom and fittingly, magnify thy name? Nor can the bird of the human heart, however, created the longing of her hope to ascend into the heaven of the majesty and knowledge. Okay, so hear Moloch seeing her guardian ever make mention of you, no matter how deep in wisdom one might be. And I really want to target this this second passenger. Sorry, the second paragraph. If I describe the Oh, my God has him who is the all perceiving Okay, I find myself compelled to admit that they who are the highest embodiments of perception have been created by virtue of thy behest. Okay, so we're taking a divine me the divine name the all perceiving Reine Margot to try to describe God as the all perceived. Okay, But the hollow saying I'm compelled to admit that the highest embodiments of perception, thes manifestations of perception have been created by a virtue of thy behest. And I'm gonna put forward something that when we're talking about God within the behi writings, because no illusions could even reach it. We're really talking about the son of reality and saying, Well, you know, when we tried to describe the calmly face the most beautiful face, the countenance of God, which is load that this concept whole perceiving actually only reaches this layer of the ocean of names which apply to the quote guys, embodiments of perception. And this theme continues from the first section of this passenger cleanings continuing if I extol thee, is the old wise I likewise enforcer recognized that the wellspring of wisdom have themselves been generated the operation of I will. So I'm now trying to take another term for God. I'm trying to apply this term the all wise and I'm trying to get it to reach if you will that essence be on the assets rain. But as I do, it's like I'm trying to say, Well, you're so bright and hot, right? I'm attaching it to the surface of the sun. But actually that is itself. Only in attributes quality off that ultimate full. And he's saying, I'm forced to recognize the well. Springs of wisdom have been generated through the operation of thy will and then says it. If I proclaim, Lee is the incomparable one. I discovered that they who are the inmost essence of oneness have been sent down by me on her but evidences of the handiwork. So think about this again. We're trying to take hope, receiving all wise, the incomparable one, right? And we're trying to attach these if you will chew the reality beyond. But they're merely names or qualities or features or aspects, and he's saying, cool. These even these terms are the ones that have been sent out. These are the attributes that are being sent here. If I proclaiming continuing the is the number of all things that confessed that they were. The contestants of knowledge are the creation and instruments of high purpose. So imagine the unmanned if est id reality of the sun right? That was just beyond all the attributes and qualities of the son of, you know, the the manifestation of God is itself that which is sending out these emanations. But those nominations, aren't it rain any more than the feature of whiteness is the reality of a cup or the words that I'm currently seeing or the reality of me and then continues. I want to jump down a bit. Loftiest sentiments with the Holy of Saints can express pretties of the and the deepest witnesses dim, which the most learned men cannot hurt and their attempts to comprehend the nature all revolve around that center, which is wholly subjected to thy sovereignty, which adore a thigh beauty and is propelled by the movement of the pin. Okay, so whatever the loftiest sentiments of the holiest of saints of the deepest win ism of the most learned men could utter all revolve around something. And what is that thing that center holy, subjected to thy sovereignty and adore If I beauty so all of the expressions that we possibly ever could make it if we were the loftiest people in the most holiest states most deeply learned mines are all in the center around this entity, which itself loves God and is itself subservient under divine reality. Okay, then Viola says they forbid it. Oh, my God. That I should utter such words has must of necessity apply the assistance of any direct revelation relation between the pen of the revelation and the essence of all created things. So, God forbid, you could hear any words that even say that he's a really actually directly connected pen of the revelation is gonna come back and again and again. And the essence of all created things all drumming, apparent sentence, whole comparisons and likenesses failed to do justice to the tree of thy revelation, and every way is barred to the comprehension of the manifestation of myself and that a string of night beauty. So here again is the divine low tree, the tree and beyond which there's no passing brain, that we can't the pen of thy revelation. And I'm gonna recommend that this is actually the embodiment that we see that all comparisons failed to do even justice to the tree. The cosmic divine place, the throne of God, the court of God were revelation flows from because it is the tree beyond which there's no passing. We cannot get past that, if you will precipice. I always envision sort of like a cliff leading up to this beautiful, elegant tree that there is nothing that's beyond that. This is the seat of revelation, no matter what we see, can do justice to that place, that being which is the embodiment of the true manifestation of God brain. And remember we touched on this. If you've seen the quote on either on narcissism or Ottoman and Brafman, it says, far, far from my glory is the last section here. People motorman confirm of the or attribute under the or praise of the which he can glorify thee whatever duty that was prescribed into thy servants of extolling to the utmost, A majesty and glory is about a token of a grace under them. So that the right for us to even describe the all knowing with words like all knowing they're limited by our own conceptions, limited within our own Selves. They can't even reach the historical manifestation any more than he's really smart. Could actually reached a nice Egg Newton Great that that itself doesn't even apply to that being. And no matter what we did in all of our combined thought, combining all the knowledge, all the level, the justice than any ability we could do actually expresses there's not gonna reach even the tree of divine revelation. But even our ability to do this is a grace from God under him and guide why that they may be unable to ascend into the station, conferred upon their inmost being a station of the knowledge of their own cells. I touch on this in narcissism and a video of narcissism and actually on the Ottoman and Brock. But it's important to understand that I believe here, even in cosmology, that the goal of our existence is tough. Have a helio centric life to focus on the divine court, to strain ourselves to understand what the words we use are actually referring to to become more mindful of the relationship we have with the world in which we live to see how unfathomably glorious these beings are. And I will say the very small handful of the supreme potent dates of all human history. Individuals like the Buddha, my creation, a Prophet Mohammed by Jesus et cetera that these beings are themselves the mirrors of divine reality so that we can come to really know what a Mr Connection with God is And what worship is I shrinking our hearts and minds to push the boundaries of the limits of those words that sea of names that we actually express so that we may be unable to do ascend into the station conferred upon our home inmost being the station of the knowledge of our own self. Thank you. See you next.