Bridging Beliefs

Divine Sophía part 2 - Salvation and Sophia as Manifestation

Rob Cacchioni

00:00 Intro

1:23 Reducing or Raising

9:33 Sagacity in Salvation

18:42 Baha'i Cosmology (Manifestationology)

1:19:06 The Grand Synopsis - The Prior Presentation

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Why is Theology or Cosmology important – ethics vs. unity.
A return to the origin. Not bound by Councils and Creeds, Articles of Faith nor Pope, Mulla, or Mujtahid.
The Scriptures are all mankind’s inheritance.
I previously presented on the Cosmology. I pull directly, without repeat justification. They were foundation for presentations like this.
Jewish Heritage for understanding the New Testament’s Claim regarding Jesus Christ. Also, it will – eventually – sheds light on Islamic, Bahai, Hindu and Buddhist Traditions. Early Christian over-statements and misunderstandings prevented the Jewish People from accepting their Messiah. Similar – and at times opposite – errors occurred within Islam, which ostracized Christians and Jews.

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